Applications Have Closed.

Are you a woman entrepreneur in Fiji? Leading a small business offering traveller experiences? You’re eligible to apply for our yher Sustainable Tourism Accelerator access skills, knowledge, connections, micro grants and community, essentials to help your business thrive.

program snapshot

At A Glance

This edition of our yher Accelerator focuses on women entrepreneurs in sustainable tourism – alongside our phenomenal partners, we’re here to support Fiji’s women in business grow impactful businesses in the tourism sector. 


The Accelerator includes a week-long, live-in Bootcamp and 6-month support phase, tailored assistance fusing mentorship, masterclasses, site visits and micro-grants.


For this cohort, we’re delighted to have strengthened our partnership with Tourism Fiji’s Destination Development team – they’ll be providing their expertise of nurturing early-stage tourism ventures and support you to create lasting industry partnerships for your business. You’ll also have the opportunity to attend Tourism Fiji’s premier event – the Fiji Tourism Exchange.


Join a dynamic cohort of 12 like-minded women entrepreneurs and access skills, knowledge, connections, micro grants and community, essentials to help your business grow.

why tourism?

The Challenge

The tourism industry is the greatest contributor to Fiji’s economy. Travellers are indicating that they want more responsible, sustainable tourism options and key stakeholders across Fiji’s tourism sector are following suit.


However  launching and scaling a tourism business can be challenging. The industry dynamics and structure can be complex and difficult to navigate, even intimidating. 


Local startups and small businesses can struggle to have their voices heard or make the connections they need to build their business. This is particularly apparent for underestimated business owners, such as women entrepreneurs.


Together, we can help level the playing field and create a more inclusive, impactful tourism sector. Where businesses like yours, can thrive.

I have come out of my shell. I lead and run meetings, I manage a team – now, I’m confident! I will always acknowledge ygap. Because of you, I am doing this. I give credit to yher for letting me think outside the box. I want to see how far I can go with business, be a role model and motivate young women entrepreneurs. For the big help of yher, I am very grateful.


program pillars

Dates For The Diary

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You have 3 weeks to apply for our yher Sustainable Tourism Accelerator! If you have questions, you’re welcome to book us in for a 1:1 session. Or you can reach out via

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Doors stay open until FJT midnight, Wednesday 14th February. Submissions will be assessed throughout our recruitment, so we encourage you to apply early. 

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All applicants will be notified of the outcome by Monday 19th February. If successful, you will proceed to our onboarding process and our team will arrange your travel.

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Held in Nadi, the residential Bootcamp is an immersive, live-in experience – over 5 days, you will nail your business model and prepare for growth, while connecting with an inspiring group of women entrepreneurs.

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Over 6 months, participants will receive holistic and tailored support – mentors, connections, coaching sessions, masterclasses, micro grants and access to our global learning platform.  

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Attend Tourism Fiji’s premier event – the Fiji Tourism Exchange. Bringing together international trade, media and local tourism suppliers in one location, this is a unique opportunity for participants to create business opportunities and connect with stakeholders.

I joined the yher Accelerator with an open mind. I don’t think anyone could see all the holes in my head – I just knew, I was going to be a sponge and absorb everything. The Fijian Tourism Expo was a mind blowing experience! I’ve never participated in a tourism exchange, so it was a great learning curve. The briefing really helped, so that I understood the mechanics of it all – otherwise I would have been totally lost and overwhelmed. We were excited to find interest in our new studio tours. And we were so lucky to get a media slot, amazing! This whole experience came at a absolute opportune time for us. It really has been life changing.


program CRITERIA

Who Are We Looking For?

You’re a women entrepreneur in Fiji – you are woman in business, leading an emerging or small venture in Fiji.


You’re after the tourism market – you’re either exclusively focused on tourism or incorporating travel experiences into a complimentary business. Either way, you are hoping to welcome more travelers and grow your reach. 


You’re in the early stages – you have fully developed, tested or launched a tourism experience (or multiple experiences), able to demonstrate early traction or proof of concept.


There is heart behind your hustle – you aspire to make a positive difference in your community or environment, your business helping grow a better Fiji.


You have a big, beautiful vision – you may be starting small but you’re keen to progress your venture and scale your impact.


You want to connect and grow – you’re eager to learn from, share and connect with likeminded women entrepreneurs from across Fiji and beyond.


You will bring your A-Game – if successful, you are prepared to roll up your sleeves and make the best of the opportunity.


Word On The Coconut Wireless

I had a chance to visit tour desks and sell my products. I got new ideas - there are more tours I can run at the site. And I had good conversations with other tour managers - their help and everything they shared with me was inspiring and really helpful. It was so much more than I expected.
Lanieta Qeretabua
Henibua - Tavuni Hill Fort
This program empowers woman! For me, yher has really helped me to be confident with my products. Especially when signing agreements with companies, I’ve learnt how to be confident and stand my ground. Thank you for empowering us women to take that leap and extend our small business.
Linda Andrews
Haven Skincare
The experience was great, it was just awesome! I got to meet industry partners, meet with people from the cruise industry and international agents. The guys from HyperFiji and GoFiji were so helpful. Now I am looking forward to opening up my own Airbnb, instead of just a homestay.
Amoreena Mitchell
Amoreena's Enterprises
It’s opened my mind - I can do it this way, this is how it's supposed to be done, these are the steps I have to take, these are the procedures I need to develop. I’m really happy!
Senirosi Bevu
Haven On Earth
This has helped me learn more and improve my business. The way the teachers care - they are very helpful and it makes me feel more confident. The knowledge I have now is very powerful to me. I can see a great, big world. There is much to do on the community land.
Mere Savea
Domoika Adventures
The Masterclass Series helped us rethink and restructure our business framework to align with sustainability and has helped me think of other value-added services for our business.
Matelita Katamotu
Domoika Adventures

It Takes A Tribe


How To Apply

We will accept a written or video application. Applications close FJT Midnight, Wednesday 14th February

Prefer a Written Application? Please complete our online application form, available here

Prefer a Video Application? If you feel more comfortable expressing yourself verbally, you are also most welcome to submit a video with your answers. Please ensure you provide answers to all questions in our online application – these need to be answered within your video. Once ready, please submit your video to 

Have Questions? Our team would is standing by – you can book us in for a 1:1 call or you can email your questions to


Answers To Your Questions

An Accelerator is a program that gives early stage businesses access to the skills, knowledge, connections, funding, community and other types of support they require to become sustainable and scalable. They often are fixed in duration and cohort-based.

When we refer to a sustainable tourism business, we are seeking entrepreneurs aiming to create positive environmental or social change through their tourism venture or experiences. For inspiration and examples, check out our friends at Duavata Sustainable Collective.

Yes you can! Having a team is just one of the components we look at when making our selection decision. Your team could consist of family, friends, neighbours or anyone you trust to lend a hand with your business. If you haven’t found that great team yet, that’s okay (as long as you see value in eventually building your team). Remember, it’s impossible to build a large, successful business all on your own.

Yes! Our upcoming Accelerator is for businesses offering travel oriented experiences – if you have a business that offers things to do, places to stay or experiences to try, you are very welcome to apply. 


Some examples are farm visits, art or craft classes culinary classes  or historical walks.  

Unfortunately, no. As are committed to build the agency and capacity of the power of local leaders, we are looking to support ideas by locals on the ground.

Yes, you can. We understand that getting a new venture off the ground can take time, and that you may not yet be making enough money to support yourself and your loved ones to work on it full time. That being said, we do expect our successful applicants to be working on problems they are passionate about and are aiming to work on their venture full time as soon as is feasible. Our program can help you get there sooner.

Absolutely! The program will be taught in English, so we do require a level of English proficiency. However, for those who prefer to learn in Vosa Vakaviti or Fijian Hindi, Support Facilitators will be available. Please be sure to select your preferred learning language in your application.
We believe that business can be a force for good, and that entrepreneurship is key to solving the most challenging social and environmental problems facing our world today. Which is why the yher Accelerator works with women-led ventures aiming to create environmental or social change – aka positive impact!

This year, our yher Accelerator is only open to women entrepreneurs in Fiji. We especially welcome iTaukei women entrepreneurs to apply for this program. 

Having revenue shows us that people are willing to pay for tourism product or service that you have created or are providing – this is “proof of concept” If you don’t have revenue yet, it is up to you to get creative as to how you can show us that your venture is selling or building something that fulfils a need.

Yes, you can, however only one woman founder from your team can take part in the program.

During the live-in bootcamp, we can only accommodate one founder per venture – you’ll need to decide which of you is best placed to attend. During the support phase, there will be opportunities for you to nominate a 2nd member of your business to attend masterclasses and other activities – for example, a co-founder or a member of your team.
Yes! If you are operating a tourism-oriented business in Fiji we would be absolutely delighted to have you apply – we can’t wait to see what you have achieved since your last submission! It would be advisable to read the eligibility criteria well to ensure that you meet the specifications for this Accelerator program.
As best as possible, please ensure you have a strong internet connection, try loading from another computer or device and if you are still having problems, please send an email to and we can send through a soft copy of the application via email.